Captain's Log Day 3

Log: 9/1

We have got the trip off to a great start, yesterday we made full use of the lovely breeze setting a healthy amount of sail including the Royal. The troops picked it up quickly and threw in a few tacks for good measure. Spirits are high and friendships are forming, signs of a great voyage.

Captain's Log Day 4

Log: 12/1

Morena e te whānau, another gorgeous day on the east coast of Aotea, spoilt with another whale this morning. Troops had a great exploration yesterday and are now having more aquatic adventures. We should have a nice sail this afternoon if the weather folks are telling the truth.

Captain's Log Day 6

Log: 13/1

We've been having a great old adventure, right around Aotea and into the beautiful sheltered harbour of Port Fitzroy. A big hikoi yesterday allowed a good old leg stretch. Today they're all pushing their limits climbing high and sailing our luggers. Morale is high!

Captain's Log: Day 8

Log: 15/1

Kia ora team,

All is going very well onboard. We had a nice sail back from Aotea yesterday, including a nice quiet time to recharge the batteries, setting ourselves up for the final phase of the trip. Lots of laughs and learning onboard.