Log: 23/1
The trainees feel it,
the motion of the ocean,
what a splendid day
To Kawau we go,
Name games to entertain us,
Yippee for 910
Log: 30/1
With a fresh batch of Trainees,
Spirit took hold of the breeze,
We learned ropes and knots,
Spent nights in our cots,
Then headed back out on the seas! From Motu-i-he we set sail,
To Kawau, ashore without fail,
Then quick as a light,
Little Barrier last night,
First swimming with sea life, now more sail!
Log: 32/1
From Little to Great we sailed,
Towed by fourteen great white birds,
No barrier in our path, just Barriers in our sights.
Chaos reigned, fourteen birds tamed by crew,
A mess to clean, then peace at anchor surrounded by trees,
We slept. Rubber ducks were stacked, on top we sat, then,
More sailing to do, we tacked back and forth betwixt sleeping giants,
Back to the water, flying from the yard into the sunset colours,
The crescent moon watched over us as the stars said good evening,
Crawled to our bunks, stories poured gently into minds,
To our dreams...
Log: 3/2
There was movement on the Spirit - for the word had got around,
that we were taking all the rafts across the bay.
To climb to Cooper's Castle - conquering many challenges found,
the view up there so glorious, hooray!
We slipped and slid and skidded - to the bottom of the hill,
then in the tide we washed away our cares.
With laughter on the swing - splashes flips and thrill,
dinner done we danced in the evening airs.
Up foremast, we all climbed - to see views far and wide,
and watched ship's boats amongst the waves.
Wrote letters to ourselves - to save all our thoughts inside,
Then all sang fit to roust from graves.
Log: 5/2
Twas the night 'fore Trainee day and no crew did linger,
To do any jobs nor lift e'en a finger
New Cap'n and Mates and other crew elected
To do what tomorrow, fun more than expected.
Looking back in time at the things they'd done recently,
Sailing and swimming and boot camp quite decently.
So much to choose from, now what could they do?
That was a challenge for new minted crew.
Who would be Steph? How could they be Mitzi,
Anton or Hannah to advise and help fix the,
challenges they'd face setting sail to unknown,
Rising above, showing how they had grown.
Could they go snorkeling round ships that'd been wrecked,
Or had they just done that? Keep track don't forget!
Climbing up masts, or sailing small boats,
Don't forget cooking... we want more than oats.
So as we look back at 10 days of journey,
All the fun, challenges, leadership and the learning
It points at tomorrow, a day when they knew
That the ship was all theirs, so what will they do?